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POSITIONING STRATEGIES is a specialized management consulting firm that develops go-to-market strategies for technology companies. The company provides a unique strategy development framework coupled with its partners’ deep understanding of specific technologies and management issues. This combination produces both the timely input of fresh ideas as well as maximum management consensus and confidence. 

POSITIONING STRATEGIES applies a strategy development methodology - based on its own unique Four Forces of Positioning model - to the complex issues surrounding product, service and corporate positioning. Without a proven methodology for positioning  analysis, the mountain of data is hard to organize and individuals often disagree on the implications of their collective knowledge. Since 1994, this positioning strategy development methodology has been applied equally well to both start-ups and established technology clients in dynamic market environments.

We always base our consulting approach on the Four Forces of Positioning model.  The genesis of the model was to show how an extremely broad question ("What should our positioning be?") can be broken down into narrower, more manageable questions and answered in a particular order.  We know of no other formal methodology from any source that is designed specifically to produce positioning for high tech companies and products.

Showing smart people how to get together as a team and work in a structured, analytical mode is one of our main goals.  For that reason, we welcome and encourage participation in our projects from senior managers outside marketing, especially sales and engineering.

POSITIONING STRATEGIES' partner has in-depth experience in working with semiconductor, communications and enterprise software companies.

Glenn Helton Biography
Glenn has over 35 years of marketing and consulting experience with technology-based companies in a wide variety of industries including personal computers, software and networking.  He has special experience in the area of new market creation, including the desktop publishing category, multimedia presentations category and optical character recognition software category.  Glenn was Vice President of Marketing for a Silicon Valley start-up Palmtex, Inc. and worked for Young and Rubicam, Inc. among other companies.  Prior to co-founding
POSITIONING STRATEGIES, Glenn was a partner at Regis McKenna Inc. where he was director of the PC Practice and a member of the firm's management team. He is a graduate of Tulane University and a guest lecturer at the Stanford Business School and the Stanford-MIT Venture Lab.

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Positioning Strategies
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